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X-men gambit minico

Iron Studios proudly presents its first MiniCo line of Marvel's most beloved mutant superheroes, the X-Men, one of the most requested series by fans and collectors, in Iron Studios' stylized Toy Art version. The collection is based on the design of comics from the 1990s, one of the most popular and cult phases of the group, with a diorama scenario of the heroes on top of a scrap of a Sentinel Robot, one of their classic enemies, and explores the most striking traits of each of the eight characters that complete the entire diorama.
License: X-Men
Scale: Toy Art
Made in PVC
Hand painted
Includes base display
Gambit - X-Men - MiniCo - Iron Studios statue features the charismatic Cajun mutant leaning on the metallic remains of a Sentinel, his inseparable staff in hand and holding an Ace of Hearts playing card. In a seemingly relaxed mood after a good fight, he flirts with his fellow group member Rogue, with whom he has fallen in love, in a mutual feeling. Recruited by heroine Storm to join the X-Men, Gambit is Remy LeBeau, a very powerful mutant who can manipulate kinetic energy. He is also skilled at throwing cards, wrestling, and using his staff, as well as being an accomplished poker player.
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Code produit
iron studios
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Hauteur en cm

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